Amira and Favaro arrive in Ysmenport where he finds the ship Celephales. It is captained by Amon who turns out to be an old acquaintance of Favaro and his father Barossa who was a bandit chief. Meanwhile Kaisar continues his pursuit of Favaro with Rita tagging along on the ship Dagonia. Kaisar tells Rita that he and Favaro were childhood friends but Favaro's father used information to sabotage Kaisar's father's mission causing the release of a demon which led to their destruction and the downfall of the Lidfard family. Suddenly, the Dagonia crew attack Kaisar and Rita, but are no match for the knight and the zombie necromancer. At the same time, a giant crab, the Shipwrecker, appears and wrecks havoc on the Celephales, but Amira changes to her demon form and defeats it. Amon reveals to Favaro that he had a pact with a demon and planned the downfall of both Kaisar and Favaro's fathers. The Dagonia then crashes into the Celephales, unleashing Rita's zombie pirates on Amon's henchmen and Amon is eaten by the Shipwrecker. As Kaisar confronts Favaro, a giant tentacle descends from the sky capturing Amira and Kaisar who attempts to protect her, leaving Favaro and Rita behind.